Anno Domini 2024 December 17

Beloved of the Lord:

Today is Tuesday, 17 December, in the year of our Lord 2024. The scheduled services are as-follows:

  • Tuesday (today): 6:30 PM, Mass, monthly Parish Requiem.
  • Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, Ember Wednesday in Advent.
  • Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, Feria, followed by Soup & Study.
  • Friday: NO SERVICES.
    10:00 AM, practice for the Consecration.
    12:00 PM (noon), cleaning and other prep for the Consecration.
  • Saturday: 10:00 AM, Consecration of the Rector as a Bishop in God's one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Potluck to follow.
  • Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity IV.

As-noted above, Friday and Saturday will deviate from the normal schedule. The other days will retain their usual order. Friday morning will see the practice for the Consecration, which will not take two hours, but likely less than that. At Noon, the ladies will prepare and clean the Parish, in-anticipation of the Consecration, to be held the next day, Saturday, at 10:00 AM.

Last week, we discussed some aspects of the Episcopacy. There a few more points that should be addressed. As-with any advancement that expands personal authority, there are pitfalls to being made a Bishop. Even the brief history of the so-called Continuing Movement is replete with stories, generally running 'I knew so-and-so for years, when he was a Priest, and everybody loved him, but then he got the pointy hat, and changed overnight, not for the better.'

Although this is something of an oversimplification, in my opinion the chief culprit is vanity. We see this in the Priesthood as-well; men mistaking God's gift of an Ordinal Sacrament for an affirmation of their own, personal superiority. God gives the blessing, and, at the man's death it returns to the Father. We, in a sense, borrow it, use it ~ ideally ~ for His glory, and then return it.

It is the same, though magnified, in the Episcopacy. No one deserves to be a Bishop. In His mercy, and through the necessary equipping of His Church, God makes men Bishops. They continue to worship, praise, adore and serve Him, and then they die.

Yet, no matter the character of the Bishop, we must always respect the office. In a similar way to that in which the Holy Ghost, as the breath of God, passed over the waters at the Creation, so too are our modern Bishops the breath of the Apostles, carrying their will to serve and sacrifice for the Father down through the ages. In the best case, they give their all for Holy Mother, the Church. Let us pray that this ever remains the case.

In our Parish, virtually nothing will change as a result of my Elevation. I will still, when here, be functioning as the Rector of Saint Matthew's. Continuing to call me Father is perfectly acceptable for members of the Parish to do. Yes, some of my vestments will change, again not for personal glory, but because I must now, more than ever, show-forth the presence and role of the Episcopacy, and respect it.

This occurrence is, in my mind, as-much a reflection on the Parish as it is on myself. It is an honour for- and to Saint Matthew's. This will be a new time for us, and will bring new adventures. Let's get started! I remain

in His praise,

The Venerable T. L. Crowder

Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish


Anno Domini 2024 December 24


Anno Domini 2024 December 10