Welcome to Saint Matthew’s Anglican Church’s Website, we’re so glad you found us!
As Anglican Catholics we believe and hold to the Christian faith as received from the Apostles and experience it through the fullness of Word and Sacrament. On your first visit to an Anglican Church you may find it a bit different from other Churches you have visited. The service can be followed in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and the Anglican Missal found in each pew, and the program is notated for ease in following. If you feel lost, please ask anyone around you if you need help finding your place in the prayer book or hymnal. We invite you to contact the Church by telephone or email if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you!
Currently, we offer the Mass twice on Sundays; said Mass from the Book of Common Prayer, often called Low Mass, at 8:30 A.M., sung Mass from the Anglican Missal, sometimes called High Mass, at 10:00 A.M. We also say the Mass every day of the week; we have a morning Mass on Monday and Friday. Mass on Wednesday is at 12:10 PM. Evening Mass is celebrated on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
We offer additional services on Tuesday evenings, after the Mass, to perpetuate the offices and rites so many have forgotten. The first Tuesday of each month, we have the Holy Rosary, with sung Evensong (not an oxymoron, come and see, and sing with us); on the second Tuesday evening we have Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, with the Litany of the Saints, followed by sung Evensong; the third has Solemn Evensong; the fourth, a monthly Parish Requiem Mass, for departed members of the Parish, and others whose names have been submitted; and, if there is a fifth Tuesday in the given month, that Service will be Stations of the Cross, with sung Evensong.
Thursday evening boasts a Soup & Study after Mass. Our studies have ranged from books of the Bible to the Chronicles of Narnia.