Anno Domini 2024 November 4

Beloved of the Lord:

Today is Monday, 4 November, in the year of our Lord 2024. The scheduled services are as-follows:

  • Tuesday (tomorrow): 5:30 PM, Mass, S. Elizabeth. Mother of S. John Baptist.
    6:30 PM, Holy Rosary, Evensong.
  • Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, S. Leonard, Abbot.
  • Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, S. Willibrord, Bishop & Confessor, followed by Soup & Study.
  • Friday: 9:00 AM, Mass, All Anglican Martyrs & Saints, with the Gregorian Canon.
    Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
  • Saturday: 10:00 AM, Mass, S. Theodore, Martyr.
  • Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XXIV.

As you'll no-doubt have noticed, from the schedule of services above, I will not be travelling this week. So, the schedule will remain in its usual configuration. The comfort of the usual shall prevail.

Let us all keep in our prayers the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Fort Worth, taking-place at the end of this week. There is a strong potential for new policies, new directions in the Anglican presence in the United States, as a result of what is decided at this convention. I strongly suspect that, as 'Fort Worth goes, so shall we, and some few others go, as we take steps towards Anglican Unity; true, organic unity.

I call upon all of us to renew, or to begin, prayers for Holy Mother, the Church. These prayers can address many aspects, many elements of the Church. They can concern themselves with the most immediate level, if you will, of Holy Church ~ our own Parish. Perhaps you'll feel called to pray for our Diocese of the Holy Sacrament, in all of the work that lays before it. The CAC can always use our prayers and intentions. Also, the greater Churches, larger than are we, some of whom seem to be heading towards the enactment of our Lord's greatest commands, concerning the unification, indeed the restoration, of God's ONE, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

If we do not begin to emphasise these matters in our own prayers, in our own petitions to God, the likelihood that we will actually begin to commit real-world actions in-support of our intentions, is slim-to-none. All things begin and end in prayer. Let us, therefore, begin this great work today, in each of our hearts, by consecrating some of each of our prayer-time to it. Only in this way may we begin. Only in this way may we build. I remain

in His praise,

The Venerable T. L. Crowder

Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish


Anno Domini 2024 December 10


Anno Domini 2024 October 29