‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2023 April 25
Beloved of the Lord:
Today is Tuesday, 25 April, in the year of our Lord 2023. The scheduled services are as-follows:
- Tuesday (today): 5:30 PM, Sung Mass, Saint Mark, Evangelist & Martyr.
6:30 PM, Evensong. - Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Sung Mass, Patronage of Saint Joseph.
- Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, Saint Peter Canisius, Confessor & Doctor, followed by Soup & Study.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, Mass, Saint Paul of the Cross, Confessor.
Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. - Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, Feria.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Easter III, monthly Parish Brunch at Smoke Barbecue, on Warwick, after 10:00 service.
Alleluia, He is risen! Christ is risen indeed, Alleluia! We remain in Eastertide 'til the Feast of the Ascension, which commemorates our Lord's leaving this world, to return to His home, in the heaven of heavens above. In the meantime, let us all show-forth the heavenly grace of His crucifixion, by which we are all saved, and the joy of His resurrection, by which we are all uplifted.
As-noted above, we will have our Parish Brunch this-coming Sunday. Please jot this in your schedule, and join us! We will break the fast together, on that day.
This-past Sunday, after services were completed, and as he was mowing the lawn, young Sam Wells discovered four baby opossums in the grass, under the three Crepe Myrtles, beside the drainage ditch at the back of our property. They were fed Sunday evening, and were placed with a wildlife 'rehabber' (I'd never heard of such a thing) on Monday afternoon. They seemed in good health, and are now with experts, who will eventually return them to their native habitat.
The vestry met last evening. Among other matters, new officers were elected; Bill Leary is the new Rector's Warden, James Deviese will remain as the People's Warden, and Charlotte Haden will remain ~ thankfully! ~ as our Treasurer, a post that she has occupied for some years, now. As you may've noticed, a number of the bricks that were tossed-into the ditch have been lifted-out, as a result of the good works of Al Scharff, and his Grandson, Aiden McReynolds, one of our acolytes when he is in-town.
There are several on-going maintenance projects about the Parish. If you've noticed something that may need doing, please feel free to jump-in and take-on the matter at-hand. You can coordinate scheduling and supplies through the People's Warden, James Deviese. If it is a larger project, he can help to arrange that, as-well.
As we approach Summer, please remember to keep your tithe current, despite vacations and other travels that often occur during those months. The easiest way to manage your tithe is to make it an auto-pay from your bank account. In this way, the Parish will have the benefit of a consistent income-stream, regardless of the season of the year. Saint Matthew's is here to serve you, and your family, 365 days per year. Your tithe should reflect your year-round commitment to our Parish, and never become a matter of only giving when you attend services. Someone is here, every day of the week, and those labours need to be supported. I remain
in His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish