‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2023 January 27
Beloved of the Lord:
Today is Saturday, 2 January, in the year of our Lord 2023. The scheduled services are as-follows:
- Saturday (today): 5:00 PM, Mass, Feria.
- Sunday: 10:00 AM, Mass, Epiphany IV, Parish Annual Meeting & potluck.
- Monday: NO SERVICES.
- Tuesday: 5:30 PM, sung Evening Office.
- Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Noonday Prayers (Sext).
- Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, Feast of the Purification of the BVM, Commonly known as Candlemas. Supper and Class to follow.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, Mass, S. Blasius, with healing of throats, with Gregorian Canon.
Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. - Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, S. Gilbert of Sempringham, Abbot.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Septuagesima, Institution of Vestry, Altar Servers, Altar Guild at 10:00.
There is much happening this week, of which we need to be mindful. Tomorrow, of-course, will be our Parish Annual Meeting. There will only be the one service at 10:00 AM; after the Mass, EVERYONE WILL REMAIN IN THEIR SEATS, and we will hold the meeting then-and-there. Once it has been concluded, we will adjourn to the Parish Hall for our luncheon. As-ever, our goal is to finish in less-than thirty minutes (the meeting, not our meal)!
Early Monday morning, I will leave for Seven Corners, to buy the candles that we will use in our services, over the course of the coming year. I will also retrieve Bishop Nalls' order, and drop it with him, in Amherst. I'll return from Amherst on Thursday, so that I ~ and the candles ~ will be here for the evening Mass, wherein all of the candles will be blessed. The Purification is a Red Letter Day in the Prayer Book ~ everyone should be in-attendance.
As-listed above, the services during my absence are noted. Of-course, we will also say the Mass for S. Blasius, and invoke him as we pray for the Blessing of Throats. This is a timely service, given the cold-and-flu season, and everyone is enjoined to attend this service, as-well.
A week from tomorrow is Septuagesima Sunday. It has become the Custom of the Parish to institute lay-ministers in their offices on that Sunday, and so we will do again. The Vestry, Altar Servers, and Altar Guild should all be present for this event. The Institution will take-place at the 10:00 service.
Septuagesima is an important turning-point in the life of the Church. It marks the end of Epiphanytide, and the beginning of pre-Lent. Yes, Lent is now approaching. The Altar and hangings will turn Violet ~ the Priest's vestments will darken to Sarum Blue, for this preparatory season.
Let us take as-much of the light of Epiphany with us into Pre-Lent as we may. Though it will perforce dim as we go further into ourselves, being extinguished (in this world) on Good Friday, its presence, and our remembrance thereof, can sustain us through the long, dark, night of the soul to come. I remain
in His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, S. Matthew's Parish