‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2024 July 16

Beloved of the Lord:

Today is Tuesday, 16 July, in the year of our Lord 2024. The scheduled services are as-follows:

  • Tuesday (today): 5:30 PM, Mass, Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
    6:30 PM, sung Evensong.
  • Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, S. Alexius, Confessor.
  • Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, Camillus of Lellis, Confessor.
    Immediately followed by Soup & Study.
  • Friday: 9:00 AM, Mass, S. Vincent de Paul, Confessor, with the Gregorian Canon.
    Immediately followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
  • Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, S. Margaret of Antioch, Virgin & Martyr.
  • Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity VIII.

Not Sunday this-coming, but the Sunday next-ensuing will be our monthly Parish Brunch. This month we will sample Schooner's Grill, past CNU, on the same side of Warwick Avenue. Please join us for the breaking of the fast, joining-together as all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus had ought to do.

Our National Synod for the Convocation of Anglican Churches is barely over a week from now. As I understand it, there are four-or-five rooms left at the Elston Inn, on the Campus of Sweet Briar College. Should those be occupied, there are some dorm rooms that will be made-available. In either case, please make an effort to attend these sessions.

There are several topics that I seldom address, some few of which are due to that over-blown sense of Anglican propriety, or nicety. I typically discuss one of these only annually. There is no particular reason to mention it now, other than that it simply crossed my mind. However, breaking with custom, today we have the dreaded Tithe.

Our tithe is not an option, not a nice extra thing that we do, not a way to stockpile pennies in Heaven. It is a scriptural commandment. Thus, yes, our salvation depends upon it, in-part, among other commandments that we are to live.

One of the Scriptural references mentions first fruits. As-such, we calculate our tithe on gross income, not net, nor otherwise adjusted. As God hath given unto us, so we bless Him, and His holy Church, in-return.

The generally accepted figure is ten-percent of our gross income. This is Scripturally supported, but don't forget The Book of Acts: the standard expressed therein was one-hundred percent ~ be happy with ten! That 'ten, of-course, is supposed to be a starting-point, not a goal.

Ours is a God of mercy. The tithe is always expressed in percentiles, not fixed amounts. Further, these are tenuous times. If you cannot keep to the ten-percent, give what you can. The widow's mite was accepted of our Lord ~ the amount is not the key to salvation, but the sincerity of the gift, the spirit in which it is given. Insincerity was they key to the downfall of Ananais and Sephira.

Love God, as He first loved us. In so doing, we honour him as He wishes us so to do. We are called to be His good, and faithful, servants. Amen. I remain

in His praise,

The Ven. T. L. Crowder, Vicar General

Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish


‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2024 July 23


‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2024 July 9