‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2024 July 30

Beloved of the Lord:

Today is Tuesday, 30 July, in the year of our Lord 2024.The scheduled services are as-follows:

  • Tuesday (today): 5:30 PM, Mass, Feria.
    6:30 PM, sung Evensong.
  • Wednesday: 12:10 PM: Mass, S. Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor.
  • Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, S. Peter's Chains (Lammas Day), Soup & Supper to follow.
  • Friday: 9:00 AM, Mass, S. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor.
    Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
  • Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, S. Nicodemus, Confessor.
  • Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity X.

As is often the case in these Summer months, there are no looming events on the horizon. The next will fall on 22 September, when Bishop Nalls will join us for our Patronal Feast. On that day, we will both Receive and Confirm new members for the Parish. There will be one Mass at 10:00 AM; a potluck will follow in the Parish Hall.

Our recently-completed Synod was a triumph of the Spirit over the World, the Flesh, and the Devil. I've attended many Synods, over the years, most of them larger than that just-concluded. Indeed, I've even enjoyed attending some of them. None of them, however, came close to the that unity of heart and spirit we experienced in Amherst. There was never a disagreement, no disunity concerning the direction of the Church. We came together in Spirit, in music, in liturgy, and in prayer to define our way forward in the service of our Lord.

The first steps along that path have been taken. Canonical amendments were submitted, briefly explained, and passed in their entirety with a single ballot. Several promotions were announced, and the advancement of men to serve as Bishops in our overseas ministries, having already been approved by the House of Bishops, were made known.

The over-arching promise, which permeated all to which we aspired, was our concordat of communio in sacris with The Diocese of Fort Worth. The promise that they both hold and offer to other Anglicans has, and will continue to grow, in breadth and meaning. The Canon to the Ordinary of The Diocese of Fort Worth, The Rev'd Canon Joel E. Hampton, SSC, was with us throughout the Synod. We are bound to them, and they to us, in the future that awaits.

Pray thanks to God for all that has happened in the last two months. Both the good and the difficult have been essential for our current place, and coming progress. I remain

in His praise,

The Ven. T. L. Crowder

Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish


‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2024 August 6


‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2024 July 23