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‘Weekly Posts.
‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2022 October 29
Beloved of the Lord:
Today is Saturday, 29 October, in the year of our Lord 2022. Tempus fugit! The scheduled services are as-follows:
- Saturday (today): 5:00 PM, Mass, Feria of Trinity XIX.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, The Feast of Christ the King, commemorate Trinity XX.
- Monday: 10:00 AM, Vigil of All Saints.
6:00 ~ 800 PM, Trick-or-Trunk. - Tuesday: 5:30 PM, sung Mass with incense, All Saint's Day.
6:30 PM, Holy Rosary and Sung Evensong. - Wednesday: 12:10 & 6:30 PM, the Observation of All Soul's Day.
- Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, S. Winifred, Virgin & Martyr, commemorate Octave of All Saint's, Soup & Study to follow.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, S. Borromeo, Bishop & Confessor, commemorate Octave.
Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. - Saturday: 10:00 AM, Final planning / volunteers meeting for the General
Convention of the OAC.
5:00 PM, Holy Communion, S. Elizabeth, Mother of S. John Baptist, commemorate the Octave. - Sunday: 2:00 AM ~ TIME CHANGE!!!!!! Fall-back.
8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XXI, commemorate the Octave.
Please note that, as-per usual, the Mass for All Souls will be said twice, in-order to facilitate maximum attendance. This is one of the very few days on the Kalendar that have such a provision. PLEASE give your lists of names to be remembered and prayed-over to me tomorrow, or no-later than Trick-or-Trunk on Monday, 31 October. Hand-written lists are acceptable, but please make-certain that they are legible. Only Christian (first) names are required.
Speaking of Trick-or-Trunk, the Parish will make its trial-run, as-noted above, this-coming Monday, 31 October, at 6:00 PM. The City mandates the hours for this event, which will be from 6:00 'til 8:00 PM. Essentially, we will park our cars so that they are accessible to passersby, trunks open, from which treats will be dispensed to the wee, costumed wanderers that pass-by the Parish. Volunteers may costume themselves if they wish; please, nothing evil (witches, warlocks, demons, axe-murderers, etc.).
Saturday, 5 November, will see the volunteers meeting for the General Convention of the OAC, which will be held here over the 10th - 12th of November, Thursday through Saturday of that week. ALL ARE WELCOME to attend this meeting. Yes, that means you, gentlemen ~ your talents and numbers will be most welcome in this project of our Parish. Assignments will be made on that day, duties explained, and so-forth. Any final or overlooked details will also be addressed. All help is gratefully accepted ~ volunteers will not be required to pay the registration fees for attending the sessions!
Sunday, 6 November, cometh the time-change! We Fall-back, so 2:00 AM becomes 1:00 AM, magically giving us an extra hour of rest. There is, apparently, some legislation currently in the Congress that has, I believe, already passed the 'House, and, if passed by the Senate, will eliminate the changing of the clocks thenceforth. We shall see what we shall see, in this matter.
As-mentioned in previous 'Weekly Posts, two Priests will be Consecrated to the Episcopacy (made Bishops) less-than a month after the close of the General Convention. The Rev'd Canons Charles H. Nalls and Joshua Gilliam will be Consecrated on the Feast of Saint Nicholas, 6 December of this year. Good Shepherd Parish in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, will host the Consecrations. Canon Nalls has reserved a block of rooms for the event, the information for which is as-follows: Hampton Inn Myrtle Beach, Broadway at the Beach, at USD 99.00 per night. Breakfast is included. Code should be OAC; it is 1.3 miles from the church. Be sure to tell them if you only are staying for one night or more than one. +1 (843) 916-0600.
October has nearly ended. At the end of November, we will witness the arrival and commencement of Adventide. This, of-course, marks the coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, the Christ. As we draw-near to the end of Trinitytide, let us not forget the lessons taught us during that half of our Church year, devoted to the life of the Church, and her understanding of the Son of God. We will see the genesis, the very living of them, in the world, through His life, in the Seasons that are soon to come. I remain
in His Service,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Rector, Saint Matthew's Parish
‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2022 October 24
Beloved of the Lord:
To-day is Monday, 24 October, in the year of our Lord 2022. The scheduled services are as-follows:
- Tuesday (tomorrow): 6:30 PM, Mass, Monthly Parish Requiem.
- Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, Feast of Bl. Alfred the Great, King & Confessor.
- Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, Vigil SS. Simon & Jude, Apostles & Martyrs. Soup and Study to follow.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, Mass, SS. Simon & Jude, Apostles & Martyrs, with the Gregorian Canon. Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
- Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, Feria of Trinity XIX.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 PM, Mass, Christ the King (Comm. Trinity XX)
It will be very busy for us, between now and the end of the calendar year. A week from today will be All Hallow's Eve, also known as the Vigil of All Saint's. On that evening, we will have Trick-or-Trunk at the Parish. This consists of sitting at your car, with treats for the tots in the open trunk. The City apparently sets the schedule for this; it will run from 6:00 'til 8:00 PM. 'Costumes at your discretion, preferably Christian-themed ones if you decide so to do.
There will be a general meeting for everyone willing to volunteer for the approaching General Convention. It will fall on Saturday, 5 November, at 10:00 AM, in the Parish Hall. Men and women are both encouraged to attend ~ tasks are available for all to do. Please mark this in your calendars, everyone! REMEMBER, volunteers are exempt from any fees associated with the 'Convention.
After the 10:00 Mass on Sunday, 6 November, we will empty the Parish Hall of all tables, chairs, and other moveable furniture, save-for the refrigerator. The carpets there, and in the main body of the Church, will be cleaned Monday morning, 7 November. As-such, there will be NO MASS on that Monday.
The General Convention will commence on Thursday, 10 November, at 2:00 PM, with a meeting for the Clergy. There will then be the opening of registration, at 4:00 PM. We will go non-stop from there through Noon on Saturday, when luncheon will have been served, and the faithful will begin to depart for their home parishes.
Friday, 11 November, will be ALL HANDS ON DECK! Saint Matthew's is responsible for saying the Mass that morning, at 8:00 AM. If you sing or serve, please be here no-later-than 7:30 AM. This will be sung, as we do at 10:00 every Sunday, with the addition of incense. We will hold a practice for this service.
Per the custom of the Regiment, there will be no Mass on Thanksgiving Day, as I will be on the other-side of the Continent. Morning prayer will be said at 10:00 AM, that we may offer thanks to God for our many blessings, and, in-particular, for our families, and their well-being, on that day. Also, being set in the morning, we aim to not interfere with the many preparations for the grand meal!
Once we've cleared all of the preceding hurdles, there remains one majour event on our Kalendar for the year. On the Feast of S. Nicholas, 6 December, the faitful will gather in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. There, The Rev'd Canons Charles H. Nalls and Joshua Gilliam will be Consecrated to the Episcopacy, for greater service to God's one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, within the Orthodox Anglican Church. A block of rooms has been reserved ~ it is suggested that reservations be made sooner-than-later, as the block is not large. This a pinnacle event, in the life of Holy Church, so as-many-as possible should attend. I remain
in His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish
‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2022 October 18
Beloved of the Lord:
To-day is Tuesday, 18 October, in the year of our Lord 2022. The scheduled services are as-follows:
- Tuesday (today): 5:30 PM, Sung Mass with Incense, The Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist & Martyr.
6:30 PM, Sung Evensong. - Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, S. Frideswide, Virgin.
- Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, Feria of Trinity XVIII, followed by Soup & Study.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, Mass, S. Hilarion, Abt., Comm. S. Ursula & Companions, Virgins & Martyrs.
- Saturday: 9:00 AM, Holy Communion & Vestry Meeting. 5:00 PM, Mass, Feria of Trinity XVIII.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XIX; monthly Parish Brunch after 10:00 AM Mass.
Please note that our next monthly ~ or so ~ Parish Brunch has been scheduled for this-coming Sunday, 23 October, after the 10:00 service. There will be no coffee hour on that day, after that service. We will meet at The County Grill, on 17, in York County. They prefer to reserve the side-room for parties of no-less than a dozen, so let's all turn-out for this fun event.
This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will also be the Fall Greek Festival, sponsored by our Brothers and Sisters in Christ of SS. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church. Inasmuch as the Fall version does not cover Sunday, there are no plans to have a group outing from S. Matthew's. However, we can all go singly, enjoy some wonderful food, and support their Parish.
Over the last few years, we've been growing quite a list of to-do projects. Fortunately, the occasion of the General Convention has provided the motivation to focus our efforts in this regard. In-addition to the previously-published lists of achievements, this week we've moved most of the excess furniture out-of the Parish Hall, and disposed of the pew-front that has resided in the main hallway these last several years. We've far fewer projects to go than we had when we started this work, thanks be to God, and we anticipate the completion of all of them before the 'Convention begins, on 10 November.
The other majour event laying before us is the Consecration of two new Bishops for the OAC. These will be the first new Bishops in over ten years. The OAC has always striven, most appropriately, to not have a superfluity of men in Episcopal Orders, as has plagued many of the other Anglican Churches. Thanks to our recent, rapid growth, the ministry of these new heirs to the Apostles will be much-needed.
The Consecrations will take place less-than a month after the General Convention, on The Feast of S. Nicholas, Bishop & Confessor, 6 December, AD 2022. The location will be the Pro-Cathedral of The Good Shepherd, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The Rev'd Canons Charles H. Nalls and Joshua Gilliam will be made Bishops; Canon Nalls as Suffragan Bishop to the Archbishop, and Canon Gilliam as the Missionary Bishop for Spanish-speaking ministries. Bishop-elect Nalls has arranged a block of rooms in Myrtle Beach ~ please see me for the details, if you plan-on attending. It is hoped that as-many of the faithful as may will attend this joyous event.
We are blessed to be a part of a thriving, loving body of Christians in the Orthodox Anglican Church. We are in the right place. Let us do all that we can to support the work of our Lord, in Word and in Sacrament, in this Church, at this time, the better to worship and adore our Lord, Jesus, the Christ. I remain
in His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish
‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2022 October 4
Beloved of the Lord:
Today is Tuesday, 4 October, in the year of our Lord 2022. The scheduled Services are as-follows:
Tuesday (today): 5:30 PM, Mass, S. Francis of Assisi, Confessor.
6:30 PM, Holy Rosary, Sung Evensong. - Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, SS. Placidus & Companions, Martyrs.
- Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, S Bruno, Confessor, with Soup & Study following.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, Sung Mass, Holy Rosary of the BVM, with Gregorian Canon.
Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. - Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, S. Bridgit, Queen & Widow.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 PM, Mass, Trinity XVII, Comm. SS. Denys, Rusticus, Eleutherius, Martyrs.
The Blessing of the Animals went well, this-past Saturday. It was followed by the blessing of the new S. Francis statue in our front garden. We had some invited guests in-attendance, which made it even better. A video has been posted on Facebook, and our YouTube page, I believe.
We are continuing our work on improving our Parish. The contractor has finished all of his work. Yesterday morning, we donated all of the things that we've been storing for a rummage-sale to The Needs Network, a local charitable thrift-store, which benefits the homeless and the otherwise needy. It was quite a pile, when rooted-out from all of the corners where it had been tucked. As you may imagine, this has de-cluttered several spaces within the Parish, including our Hall. These projects will continue.
For several days prior to the Blessing of the Animals, the sounds of a creature trapped above our ceiling in the Sanctuary had been plain. Having held that service, I couldn't see allowing something to die up there, and so, investigated. As it turned-out, it was in the wall betwixt the sacristy and the Sanctuary. As I began to remove the sheetrock, bit-by-bit, working down from the ceiling, I thought that I saw a round head at the bottom of the space, and thought that I might be rescuing something exotic, like a Saw Whet owl. After removing the last piece of wallboard, I heard some scrabbling, and what should pop-up and look me in the eye but a squirrel, alas, who jumped out over my shoulder. After some herding, he streaked-across the front lawn to the trio of Crepe Myrtles by the drainage-ditch, where he'd clearly been before.
The imaginings ~ phantasies ~ that we develope in our minds are an endless wonder. I supposed that I was saving a lovely bird, of some-sort, and was, frankly, perhaps uncharitably, disappointed when I discovered that it was merely a squirrel, for which breed I've never held much sympathy. This certainly reminded me that we must always be cheerful givers ~ cheerful workers of His will, and Word. Though my joy dimmed upon discovering the squirrel in the wall, I'm certain that the squirrel's joy was boundless.
We should never underestimate the benefits of the actions that we commit in His name. Despite they're not always being what we hope, or imagine, those who receive the benefit of them know no such dimming, but only a growing appreciation for His mercy, and love. Let us always be bringers of the light, that His glory and honour may ever be magnified. I remain
in His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish
‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2022 September 24
Beloved of the Lord:
Today is Saturday, 24 September, in the year of our Lord 2022. The scheduled services are as-follows:
- Saturday (today): SERVICES CANCELED.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XV, Commemorate Blessed Launcelot Andrewes, Bishop & Confessor.
- Monday: 10:00 AM, Mass, Feria of Trinity XV.
- Tuesday: 6:30 PM, Requiem, Parish Monthly.
- Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, S. Wenceslas, Prince & Martyr.
- Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, S. Michael & All Angels, Soup & Supper to follow.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, S. Jerome, Confessor & Doctor, with the Gregorian Canon.
Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. - Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, S. Remigius, Bishop & Confessor.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XVI, Commemorate Holy Guardian Angels.
In less than two months, we will be hosting the General Convention of the Orthodox Anglican Church. It will run from the Tenth through the Twelfth of November, Thursday afternoon through Saturday Noon. The agenda will be published this-coming week. Please keep your schedules open, in-case your help is needed.
OF PARTICULAR IMPORTANCE is the Friday-morning Mass, set for 9:00 AM. This will be done, with the exception of the part of the Deacon, only using Saint Matthew's staff. All servers, singers, and other Altar Crew MUST be here on that day, at that time. We will put our best foot forward at the 'Convention.
Thanks go out to all who had a hand in preparing for the recent visitation of Archbishop Gordon and Jan to our Parish. I think that everything went very well, and that a good time was had by all. There were copious amounts of home-made victuals for the luncheon. Our repair and remodelling projects are almost all-complete. Giada McReynolds was Confirmed in the Sacraments of Holy Church, and our steeple, and recently-gifted statue of S. Matthew, were blessed by the Archbishop.
Please continue, or commence if you've not yet done so, to pray for the growth of our Parish, numerically. We've many gifts of God already, here ~ a solid budget, a choir, an organist, a good cadre of servers for the Altar, and a core-group that can achieve virtually any task. We've men studying and considering Holy Orders. We say the Mass, daily! We offer a depth of variety of other services that, in all likelihood, cannot individually be found in any other Parish in Virginia, much-less collectively. It has taken us years so to do, but we have built an ideal Anglo-Catholic Parish.
All that we now need is to fill our pews, in-order to teach and spread the Faith even further afield, in The Tidewater. Sherri Fosdick has graciously accepted the position as Chair of the Growth Committee, and is well under-weigh in making and executing plans that cross evangelistic, advertising, and outreach boundaries. Uniting all of this will be a renewed and integrated electronic presence for the Parish. We shall go forward boldly, into places we have never been, proceeding in the name of our Lord, Jesus, the Christ.
Pray. Pray fervently. Pray from broken and contrite hearts. Pray now. Pray unto ages of ages to come. Amen.
In His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish
‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2022 September 19
Beloved of the Lord:
Today is Monday, 19 September, in the year of our Lord 2022. The scheduled services are as-follows:
Tuesday: 5:30 PM, Mass, Bl. John Colreridge Patteson, Bishop & Martyr.
6:30 PM, Sung Evensong. - Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, Feria of Trinity XIV.
- Thursday: 6:30 PM, Mass, SS. Maurice & Companions, Martyrs, followed by Soup & Study.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, Mass, S. Linus, Bishop & Martyr, with the Gregorian Canon.
Immediately following, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. - Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, Our Lady of Ransom.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XV, Commemorate Bl. Launcelot Andrewes, Bishop & Confessor.
Yesterday, we Celebrated the Feast (Transferred) of Saint Matthew, our Patron, and hosted Archbishop Gordon and his wife, Jan, for his official visit to our Parish. Giada Philomena McReynolds was Confirmed as a Communicant Member of God's one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church by the Archbishop. Additionally, he blessed a statue of S. Matthew, donated by the Jordans. Lastly, he blessed our new steeple. A truly wonderful potluck was held in the Parish Hall, with many favourite dishes on-hand. It was a beautiful day, inside and out, with good liturgy and lovely singing, accompanied by our organ in full-form. As we've been praying, there were over thirty souls in-attendance!
There will be little rest in the aftermath, as we are continuing our preparations for the General Convention of the Church, which we will host here, at S. Matthew's, over the 10th - 12th of November. This will be a Thursday afternoon through Saturday Noon affair. The official schedule will soon be released. Be prepared to assist as-needed for the various duties we will fulfill as the host parish.
In the meantime, our annual Blessing of the Animals will take-place on Saturday, 1 October, at 10:00 AM at the Parish. There will be treats for our canine and feline guests, and light refreshments for the humans. We've begun circulating flyers in the Hilton neighbourhood. Please take some from the table in the narthex, and post them where you live and work.
On 6 December of this year, the OAC will Consecrate two Bishops to the service of our growing Church. The Rev'd Canons Charles H. Nalls and Joshua Gilliam will be raised to the Episcopacy at the Pro-Cathedral, Good Shepherd Parish, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Canon Nalls will be Consecrated as a Suffragan Bishop, while Canon Gilliam will be Consecrated as a Missionary Bishop to Spanish-speaking ministries. Never having participated in the proliferation of Bishops, as-have many Anglican bodies, these will be the first Consecrations in ten years for our Church. If the current growth maintains, The Archbishop has indicated that there may be another Consecration before the end of AD 2023.
All of these good things, in both our Parish, and in our greater Church, are the by-products of faith. What if the first, best, mayhap the only method by which the faithful communicate with God? Prayer.
If we expect good things to happen within our Parish, we mut pray for them. I asked that we pray for at-least thirty souls to attend our services every Sunday. The very next Sunday, we had over thirty. This is not to say that all things for which we ask in prayer will arrive that suddenly, or will maintain without variance. The point is that they can, if our prayers are sincere, heartfelt, and for the betterment of His Kingdom.
Let us continue, unceasing, in prayer. We must all become, if we are not already, prayer warriors. For most of us, the World is darker now than it has ever been in our lifetimes. Our primary defence against the Dark is prayer. Our only sure method of overcoming it is prayer. Pray ... pray as-though your lives depend-upon it. They very well may. I remain
in His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish
‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2022 September 13
Beloved of the Lord:
Today is Tuesday, 13 September, in the year of our Lord 2022. The scheduled services are as-follows:
- Tuesday (today): 5:30 PM, Mass, Feria.
6:30 PM, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Sung Evensong. - Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Sung Mass, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Ember Wednesday.
- Thursday: 8:00 AM, monthly men's Morning Prayer and breakfast.
6:30 PM, Mass, Seven Sorrows of the BVM, Soup & Study. - Friday: S. Cyprian, Bishop & Martyr, Ember Friday, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
- Saturday: 5:00 PM, Mass, S. Hildegard, Virgin; Stigmata of S. Francis; Ember Saturday.
- Sunday: 10:00 AM, one Mass, Trinity XIV, Edward Bouvarie Pusey, Confessor ~ Archbishop Gordon's official visit.
Commencing this past Sunday, and continuing into the future, we will pray for our Parish at every Mass and Service. Not only is this most appropriate, it is hoped that this will inspire each of us to pray for Saint Matthew's, daily, in our private devotions. Inasmuch as we are dependent, at-least in-part, upon attendance at our services for our works, and our survival, I encourage everyone to make this the intention of their personal prayers. Let us begin by praying, every day, for an average Sunday attendance of thirty souls. I know of Parishes wherein these prayers have yielded wonderful results. Let us demonstrate our faith in our Parish by doing the same.
This Sunday will be the official visit of Archbishop Gordon to Saint Matthew's. There will be only ONE MASS on that day, commencing at 10:00 AM. EVERYONE should be with us, no exceptions. Please feel free to bring friends, family, and those in-search of a church home with you. For those who serve at the Altar (Choir, Servers, and Clergy), there will be a practice on Wednesday, 14 September, at 4:00 PM.
Our renovations are proceeding at a slightly slower pace than anticipated, but this is rarely a surprise in these matters. The interior work has been finished, per the tasks we asked the contractor to complete. Our own tasks are also proceeding apace. We are de-cluttering our church, and ordering what remains. If you see something that needs doing, please feel free to jump-in and do it!
Our recently-held Clericus for the Clergy of the Church was a success. Much fellowship was had; liturgical and clerical standards were discussed; and a new Deacon was received from one of the other Anglican jurisdictions. Parishes and Clergy from across the Anglican Diaspora in the United States are looking at us as a refuge from the power-politics and distractions found in so many churches, these days. As we pray for the growth and success of our own Parish, let us not forget to pray the same for our greater Church, that our shield and strength may endure.
Perhaps you will remember when the Disciples went to our Lord, after having found and failed to expel a demon inhabiting a person. He, of-course, accomplished the task. They asked Him why they had been unable to do so; He replied that this sort of demon may only be expelled by prayer and fasting. Thus, we are taught that all things, including the most difficult, may be over-come by prayer and fasting.
On several occasions, our Presidents have called for national days of fasting, usually in moments of crisis, when all other solutions seemed fruitless. And yet, how often do we fail to resort to these most powerful tools, when we face a peril, or even a simple need? We must learn, or re-learn, how to be prayer-warriors ~ to pray as simply as a child, with the devotion of a hermit, and the power of a saint. In this way, we shall well-serve our Lord, Jesus, the Christ, in these things wherein He has called us to serve, if not to battle. I remain
in His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish
‘Weekly Post. Anno Domini 2022 September 6
Beloved of the Lord:
To-day is Tuesday, 6 September, in the year of our Lord 2022. The scheduled services are as-follows:
Tuesday (today): 5:30 PM, Mass, Feria of Trinity XII.
6:30 PM, Holy Rosary, Sung Evensong. - Wednesday: 12:10 PM, Mass, S. Evurtius, Bishop & Confessor.
- Friday: 9:00 AM, Sung Matins.
- Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XIII, Commemorate SS. Protus & Hyacinth, Martyrs.
We are now in a busy period, which will take us to the end of this calendar year. In two-day's time, Avery Collins and I will depart for Black Mountain, South Carolina, to attend the Fall Clericus of the OAC. The theme of the Clericus is Meet Your Mother, Mary. September having no-fewer than four Marian Feasts, this is a most timely topic.
As a result of the Clericus, there will be no services on either Thursday (including the monthly men's Morning Prayer and breakfast) or Saturday of this week. The time will remain the same for the Friday service, though the service itself will be changed, of-course. The Sunday schedule, as-always, will remain intact.
Archbishop Gordon will make his official visit to Saint Matthew's in less-than two-week's time. He and his wife, Jan, will be here not this Sunday, but the next, 18 September. On that day, we will celebrate the Feast of Saint Matthew, transferred from its proper date to a Sunday, as-is our custom. There will be one service, at 10:00 AM. He will bless and dedicate our new steeple, and will Confirm Giada McReynolds. After the service, there will be a pot-luck luncheon, in the Parish Hall.
We are also just-over sixty days from the General Convention. In-light of both The Archbishop's visit, and the 'Convention, we are making a number of improvements to our building and grounds. The interior renovations are largely complete. Those on the exterior should be completed before his visit. We will also be cleaning carpets, and de-cluttering, in the mean-time.
A state of homogeneity within a Parish can be both boon and bane. To the good, unity of spirituality, outlook and expression can create an island of calm in our lives, which is ~ in-part ~ what Holy Church had always ought to be. On the bad, we can feel ourselves too free to comment on the socio-political events and trends of the day, which can be off-putting to new members and visitors. Generally-speaking, these things do not concern us, here. Our salvation, and all that it entails, is what we come here to be about, and we must be wary of straying too far outside these bounds.
I've personally witnessed visitors to our Parish, upon hearing someone making strident social commentary during the coffee hour, leave our midst, never to return, even-though they'd visited several times. Some issues, which directly contravene God's law and ways, are appropriate to be discussed. However, whilst in our Church, the best and most fit conversation is our faith, and how we may employ it to love and bring EVERYONE with us, to God's grace, and His Heaven. I remain
in His praise,
The Rev'd Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew's Parish
Weekly Post Anno Domini 2022 August 27
It all begins with an idea.
Beloved of the Lord:
Today is Saturday, 27 August, in the year of our Lord 2022. The scheduled services are as-follows:
Saturday (today): 5:00 PM, Mass, S. Joseph of Calasanza, Confessor.
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XI, Commemorate S. Augustine of Hippo, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor.
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:00 AM, Mass, Trinity XII.
We are continuing to execute our list of projects, in and about the Parish, in-preparation for the Archbishop’s official visit to us on Sunday, 18 September. Thus, those tasks requiring the attention of a contractor will be completed during this-coming week. As-such, THE PARISH WILL BE CLOSED from Monday, 29 August, to Saturday, 3 September. No services will be conducted on those day. The regular schedule of Services will resume on Sunday, 4 September. No Sundays will be cancelled.
Our Thursday-evening Soup and Study session will, of-course, be cancelled, this-coming week. It will also be cancelled in the following week, on Thursday, 8 September. A Clericus, or meeting of the Clergy of the Church, has been scheduled for the end of that week, and Avery Collins and I will be at that meeting. Avery is studying for Holy Orders, and the Archbishop requires all students to attend these clerical meetings, to introduce them to our life-in-Christ.
Our Senior Warden, Jim Theuer, has resigned his position. The Vestry will decide their course on this matter at the next meeting; likely, they will elect someone to replace Jim, as there is more-than a year remaining in his term. Our prayers are with Jim and Eleise.
Planning ~ and work ~ continues apace for the General Convention of the OAC, which we will host here, at S. Matthew’s, from the Tenth through the Twelfth of November. Accommodations are arranged, and delegates have already begun reserving their rooms. We will need volunteers to help with Registration, and with the serving of lunch on Friday and Saturday.
ALL SERVERS, SINGERS, MUSICIANS, CANTORS AND CLERGY PAY HEED! On Friday, 11 November, S. Matthew’s will be solely responsible for the opening Mass of the Convention. This will be our show, so-to-speak, putting-forward our best talents, and efforts. This is an ALL HANDS ON-DECK call. Please set your schedules now, that you may be present at the Mass. In this, we will show the greater Church what is possible in the Liturgy of God’s one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!
I will be absent from the Parish during this-coming week. The plan is to travel-about Virginia, seeing friends and sights along the way. If a pastoral emergency should arise, please contact Fr. Warren at 804-642-6597. If he cannot be reached, you may call me on my cell phone. I request your prayers for safety and mercy as I travel-about the Commonwealth. I remain in His praise,
The Rev’d Fr. T. L. Crowder
Pastor, Saint Matthew’s Parish